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Foto Model Lydia Pratiwi Sebelum Disel Di Rutan

Lidya Pratiwi

Lidya Pratiwi

Lidya Pratiwi

Lidya Pratiwi

Lidya Pratiwi

Lidya Pratiwi

Lidya Pratiwi

Lidya Pratiwi, Kartini Period Now Over Self

Artist Lidya Pratiwi said Kartini (women) are now more independent and not depend entirely on the man and determine the future without having to rely on other parties and considered the most independent.

"I think that women today are very independent, which means dependency on others was reduced compared to the past," said Lidya Pratiwi in Tangerang, on Wednesday (21 / 4).

Lidya Pratiwi said the issue was interrupted when asked to comment Kartini Day celebration held in the Hall Women LP Tangerang, Banten.

Kartini Day celebration was followed by dozens of inmates who use race to wear kebaya with imitating the style of Kartini jury Head Women LP Tangerang, Meaning Wirastuti.

Despite not wearing a kebaya, said Lidya Pratiwi, but the spirit of celebration for women's equality with men was very high. When attending the show, Lidya Pratiwi wearing dark blue clothing department and use the blue shoes.

According to the film star Abunawas, rjuna Mencari Cinta and Ande-ande Loemoet, that Kartini's future must be able to break away from dependence to other parties.

If women are still dependent on men, especially in equity, then it does not give the spirit of Kartini's struggle, he said. Lidya transferred from the Detention Center (Rutan), Pondok Bambu, East Jakarta on Wednesday (20 / 1) night with her mother Vince Jose Bt.

While Lidya Pratiwi involved murder case against a model Naek Gonggom Hutagalung on April 28, 2006 at the Mermaid inn, Ancol, North Jakarta area and sentenced to 14 years in prison.

But Lidya Pratiwi also perform these actions with her mother and her uncle, then worn layered article which article 340 of the Criminal Code on premeditated murder and Article 365 of the Criminal Code of theft with violence. Facebook

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